Monday: Mommy Date Hike With 4 Girls
I took the 4 girls at home right now on a mommy date, hiking Cumberland Knob. It’s the perfect little 3 mile hike to a creek in a ravine. We ate snacks there and read and played dolls. Then we hiked back out and sat and read in the meadow. It was fun talking while we hiked and just enjoying the beautiful fall day.
When we got home I had fun picking grapes and watching a wasp drink out of one. For dinner we made some party foods and watched a live birthday celebration of our dear prophet, Russell M. Nelson, who turned 100!
Tuesday: Grandparents Visit!
Nathan’s parents were on a road trip and stopped to visit us for a few days. Peepaw went around fixing things for us and helped us put up a new zipline. Grandma read to Tilly and talked to the children. The kids loved giving Grandma and Peepaw rides in the gocart. In the evenings we hung out, did a puzzle, and watched a choir performance. Tuesday night we had foil dinners in a campfire. Wednesday afternoon the kids put on a play called, “Four Hens and a Rooster.” It was so much fun having them here.