Our Property

by Marcie

Hi! I’m a very visual person and love seeing other people’s farms or being able to picture them and their life when I read about them. So here are pictures of our farm. You can read about the story of how I found it here. I bought it site unseen and knew immediately it was my dream place. I’m so in love with it and grateful every day to live here.

UPDATE! Here’s a YouTube video of our property. Scroll through this blog post if you just want pictures.

The beginning of our driveway. On the left is a big cow pasture with 100 blueberry bushes at the top of the hill which we call “Blueberry Hill.” To the right is another big cow pasture.
The middle of the driveway. Still got cow pasture on both sides as well as some woods and creeks. The driveway is hard to mow as it is very steep, rocky, and uneven, but we’re getting better at it. One day I’ll plant flowery shrubs along the driveway and replace some of the shade trees that have died.
At the bottom of the driveway you first come to our old tobacco barn the previous owners turned into a garage. Our farm used to be a tobacco farm with terraced farming all over the cow pastures.
To the left is the trampoline area. To the right is the garden and vineyard (can you call 4 rows of grapes a vineyard?)
Our little 1930’s farmhouse. I’ve never really liked the front of it and maybe someday I can change it and add on. But I bought it for the property and the house was better than other farmhouses I saw so for now I’m loving it and am just so happy to be here! It’s 1600 sq feet and has only 1 bathroom but it’s a great little house. See the updates we’ve made so far here.
The north side by the trampoline area.
Still trying to figure out what to do with this area. They had an in ground pool here. So far we just have a tramp, balance beam, stepping blocks, and a fire pit.
The south side of the house: the grassy area by the grapes and the garden.
The view of the farmhouse from the south pasture. Three blueberry bushes to the left and the plum tree. Grapes in the middle. Sunroom/playroom. Figs in front of the shed. To my right is the garden.
Nine raised garden beds were already here along with blackberries, blueberries, grapes, kiwi, fig trees, apple trees, 1 cherry tree and 1 plum tree. (And 1 pawpaw tree but it’ll never grow fruit b/c you need 2, haha.) It’s what I’ve always wanted so my heart said an instant yes when I saw this place online.
The hiking trail we made into the back woods.
At the bottom of the ravine. There are several natural springs and creeks that are really fun to play in.
All the junk we collected in the front woods after going on a metal collecting spree. I can’t stand junk laying around the yard or woods. I know it was the custom back then but one day I’ll borrow a trailer and off to the scrapyard it’ll go.
Playing in the front woods.

That’s just a glimpse of our 36 acres. I love it so much! Subscribe to my weekly posts to see how we’re improving it, playing in it, and enjoying life in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

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