My older brother, Ben, and his wife Janet and 2 kids drove out from Wyoming for a visit. They were actually seeing their two grown sons, Janet’s brother, and some other sites like Niagara Falls, and fit us into their road trip plans. It was so fun to see them! And exciting to show them our place because we’ve lived here 3 years and they haven’t come yet. Janet is the one who told me in 2020 I could have my dream of a farm and encouraged me to pursue it when I thought it was impossible.
Monday we took them to Pilot Mountain to see the view. Lori came up to see them too and we all had a great time. Thomas had to work and we left the little boys home playing along with Derrik who didn’t want to go. Derrik is our cousin’s son Ben and Janet are raising. So it was just Ben and girls on this trip but it made it so we could fit in one van so it worked great.
- Kinlee and Janet
- Three siblings: Lori, Ben, Marcie
Hanging out at home
Tuesday we did projects around the property: cut branches, hung new gutters, hung a heavy mirror, worked in the garden, mowed the driveway, picked 10 containers of blueberries, etc. It was great having extra helpers! And cheerful ones too.
We also had some fun. Kaitlyn showed Derrik how to crochet a gummy bear. Kinlee loved driving her parents and anyone else around in the gocart. Some of the kids made ink with pokeberries and drew on paper. They’ve been waiting all summer for the pokeberries to ripen so they could do this!
The Rest of the Week
We did school outside every day and loved it. It’s my favorite part of the day. The weather and yard are beautiful, it feels so relaxed and peaceful. I lose track of time and just enjoy learning about different countries with my kids. We also do art, study a musician, and do read aloud outside too. Good times.
One day Anderson was arguing so I told him to go clean the bathroom floor for a punishment. He went and got sponges and made straps for them and tied them to his feet. Tilly couldn’t resist joining in so he made her a pair too. They had so much fun they cleaned the kitchen floor too.
Tis the season for grape vine forts! Every fall these two claim the first row of grape Vines for their fort. They crochet in there, play with dolls, and write stories. They’ll play in it the next 6 months until they finally let me prune the grapes in February.