Week Ending 11-10-24 Talea’s Piano Book and Visiting SVU

by Marcie
Holladay family at SVU

Talea’s piano photo shoot

Last Sunday Tilly and I printed out all the songs we could find online for our church that were “I can play it!.”–Meaning easy for kids to play. We hole punched them and put them in a binder that Tilly decorated. Monday we took pictures to send to the children’s church magazine and maybe she’ll get her story in it!

Going to Lori’s

I went to my sister’s house in Charlotte for a few days this week and had a great time! We rode bikes on the Greenway to her work, attended her kickball games, and hung out together in the evenings. I worked all day in her apartment using her fast wifi and getting a lot done. Phone calls and internet work are difficult at my house so it was a treat to get so much done at hers. It’s also the first time I’ve ever gone away by myself without my kids so that was fun too. Madalyn and Kaitlyn held down the fort at home and did a great job taking care of everything.

Open House at Southern Virginia University

Saturday we drove up to SVU for their open house. We got to hear from professors, get a campus tour, learn about financial aid and housing, see the dorms, and even eat a free lunch in the dining hall. It was so fun! SVU is a beautiful campus and has a great feel to it. Thomas is seriously considering graduating high school early and going there in January.

Taking the campus tour and getting to see the president, Bonnie H. Cordon. She is super funny! I love fun people who spark joy with everything they say.

Then we got to ride on a school bus over to the football field for the SVU vs Huntingdon game. Southern Virginia lost but it was still fun to go to a free football game. Andy was super excited for his first ever school bus ride. Then he was stoked about seeing a Tesla Cybertruck! He looks for them everywhere we go and to see one in the parking lot was a treat for him.

YouTube Video of SVU on next week’s vlog!

YouTube Video of our Overnight Hike and Me at Lori’s Here:

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