I came home from rehearsal to find the kids gathered around Maddie, reading scriptures and having a great discussion. We had all gone to rehearsal together and Thomas met us there straight from work. Then he took the 5 little kids home (Maddie isn’t in the play so she stayed home) and I stopped and did my dog-walking job. I was pleasantly surprised to find dinner eaten and cleaned up and the kids already doing scripture reading. As I ate my dinner I enjoyed listening in. Madalyn is going to make a fantastic mother one day.
Wednesday: Camping!
We left in the morning to our favorite campsite near Wytheville, VA. Madalyn has never come with us before; it’s always been a mommy and 5 little kids trip. But this fall we really wanted to show her because we knew she’d love it. And she did! It got a little cold at night, and at first our campsite had someone in it, but we still had fun.
My favorite parts were riding around the campground loop and seeing the fall colors. It looked like a rainbow. I also enjoy reading around the campfire, eating delicious food, and hiking.
We moved to our campsite in the morning when it was vacated. Then we sat around the campfire reading since it was chilly. We also sketched/did art in the afternoon, read, played by the creek, rode around the campground, and hung out. When it was bedtime Kaitlyn and Madalyn slept around the campfire to stay warm. A memorable adventure sleeping under the stars together!
We all went on a short hike and then just the boys and I went further to the highest point on the trail, about 2.5 miles. Then we ran back down. Again, beautiful rainbow colored forest and fun times hanging out together talking about colleges, careers, and life.
We said good-bye to Rock Town where the kids all have different shops and houses (see my video!). We reluctantly left the beautiful campground and drove home. The last picture is of the view right before our house we named “Kylie’s View” because it’s her favorite.
We unpacked camping gear and repacked for another short trip. We went to my sister, Lori’s house in Charlotte. She usually comes to us and it’s the first time I’ve spent the night there or visited just for fun. We played at the park in the afternoon then went to her ward’s chili cook-off and trunk or treat in the evening. Back at her house the kids dumped out their candy to sort and trade it. It was a fun day!
We didn’t do a great job planning costumes this year as we’ve been busy with other things, so the kids found costumes that they could all be from Disney movies. Kaitlyn: Asha from Wish. Makenna: Rapunzel from Tangled. Samuel: Miguel from Coco. Anderson: Woody from Toy Story. Talea: Elsa from Frozen.
We went to church with Lori and watched her primary perform their program. I haven’t seen another ward’s in awhile so I enjoyed it. Sam and Andy joined in! They sang and even got some speaking parts, filling in for 2 boys who weren’t there.
I enjoy following your family and I admire you so much as a mom!
Thank you, Vicky! I appreciate you stopping to tell me. I need all the encouragement I can get.