This week was difficult for me as I had a mild concussion from bonking my head on cinder block in the chicken coop. I had a headache, was dizzy and felt kinda sick. In effect I became really grumpy and depressed about our financial situation, decisions that need to be made on the homestead regarding fencing and such, and regular household and childcare chores. So it was a bad week for me. But some weeks are like that and we got through it. Here are the few pictures I took this week.
Making A Fairy Tree
There’s a huge crepe myrtle growing into a giant cypress tree so I was cutting it down. The bark is so smooth and beautiful that I had the thought it would make a great tree trunk for a fairy tree in the little girls’s bedroom. So Tilly and I got to work.
A beautiful rainbow one day when I walked into the side yard.
Boys Making Swords
The little boys hard at work making wooden swords. I had pulled a 2×4 out of the barn to use for shelves in my tool shed the other day. Looks like they found it and beat me to using it!
Azaleas Blooming
The azaleas went from buds at the beginning of the week to nearly full bloom at the end of the week. The next couple of weeks will be gorgeous around this area with all the azaleas and dogwoods blooming.
Asparagus and Peas
I’ve been looking close everyday and finally spied the very first asparagus tip peeking out of the ground on April 1. The peas are doing great, about 4″ tall now. Love these first spring crops!
The 6 kids at home have been rehearsing for 12 weeks as part of the cast in Cinderella. There were rehearsals almost every weeknight so it was pretty intense. But it turned out so good! Thomas was a ballroom dancer and a knight. Kaitlyn was a raccoon and villager. Makenna was a villager. Sam and Andy were squirrels. Talea was a mouse. I got some movies but these are all the pictures I got. My iphone is old and terrible. They had 5 showings, which is the most of any production we’ve been in so far. It’s the 7th production we’ve been in since we moved here and we’ve loved them all. But this one is near the top.
1 comment
Hope you’re feeling better, Marcie. The new growth around the farm is exciting! I will miss that this year.