Week ending 2-5-23 Groundhog Day

by Marcie
2 plates of groundhog cupcakes

We had a rainy week so I spent a lot of time applying for jobs and working on my blog. With me being busy plus the financial stress we’ve been under, trying to save gas (aka skipping rehearsals or activities in town), I felt like making Groundhog Day fun for the kids. I invited the sister missionaries over for dinner and put more effort into making a theme dinner than I normally would have, haha. Usually that’s one of the older girls’ skills.

Groundhog Day 2023

Julianne’s birthday, playing in the barn, new hairdo

Besides Groundhog Day we didn’t do too much. Just a few rehearsals, lots of school, and playing together. Friday was Julianne’s birthday, the baby who died. She would have been 14. We used to make stromboli and take it to the park by the cemetery and then visit her grave. Now we live 3 hours from her but we still made stromboli.

Kaitlyn and Makenna like to play in the barn in the afternoons. There’s a shop spot set up where the previous owners made sytrofoam cutters and left a bunch of stuff. The girls love to play there, writing books, and I’m not sure what else. 🙂

The little boys like to comb their hair like a dad in our church. It means so much to me that they found someone to look up to here. We haven’t heard from or gotten ahold of their dad in several months, so I’m glad they’ve found another guy who shows them some attention. Lastly, we’re finally getting enough eggs that it’s time to sell them! We got our first $10 and I’m so excited.

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