Week Ending 2-4-24 Talea’s Bike Wreck

by Marcie
Talea's bike wreck

Talea got in a bike wreck and got her first stitches! Last Sunday Talea and Samuel rode their bikes to the mailbox at the end of the driveway. On the way back they were riding down the steep part of our gravel driveway and probably going too fast when Tilly hit a bit rock and flew over the handlebars onto her face. She was still holding onto the handles so her knuckles got smashed too and she landed on her face. Samuel tried carrying her but couldn’t so he ran back to the house to get us. We quickly brought her back to the house.

Trying to calm her down. She was pretty upset about the crash and talk of getting stitches. We waited awhile, let her take a nap, and then took her to the ER as urgent care was already closed. The second picture is on the way to the ER. We had her cleaned up but it started bleeding again in the car.

At the ER

She was pretty happy when we first got there. She let the nurses clean her cuts and the doctor feel for broken bones. The doctor was pretty sure Tilly’s nose was broken and maybe a few other facial bones so she sent us for a CT scan.

We had to wait 1.5 hours after the CT scan, but it came back with zero broken bones. Yay for raw milk! Talea was so tired as it was 9:30pm by then and we’d been there for 3 hours, so she kicked and screamed when it was time to finally do the stitches. She just wanted to go home. So the doctor took her to a trauma room where she could knock her out to stitch her up. She got 11 stitches for the gashes under her nose and one on her forehead. We were finally done at 11pm and got home at 11:30.

Recovering From the Bike Wreck

Monday and Tuesday Tilly was sick (throwing up) from the anesthesia and feeling pretty miserable with a low fever. Her face was so swollen, especially her nose and lips and eyes. But then starting Wednesday she started getting better super fast. Every morning the swelling was down and scabs were healing. I couldn’t believe how fast she healed. She’ll get her stitches out on Monday.

Groundhog’s Day

Every Groundhog’s Day we make cream of wheat with peanut butter groundhogs in it. We eat breakfast while watching the news to see if the groundhog saw its shadow. This year he didn’t! It’s spring!

kids eating breakfast around the table on groundhogs day
cream of wheat Groundhog

Andy’s peanut butter groundhog.

Mommy Date Bike Ride

Talea needed some extra love and attention this week to cheer her up from her crash so I took her on a bike ride. We went on the greenway along the river and had a great time. Warm winter weather, dark blue skies, not many people out. We ate lunch on a nice warm boulder in the sun, then later stopped for a snack. I enjoyed having one-on-one time to talk to Tilly and get out of the house. I’ve spent January rarely leaving our property and working extra hard writing curriculum so that I can take time off in the spring to go on field trips, mommy dates, camping, etc. But it was super fun to get out with Tilly today and I’m glad we rode bikes together. She’s a little doll.

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