Week ending 2-19-23 Wreath Making & Valentine’s Day

by Marcie
family of 6 children eating a valentine dinner of pancakes

We had a week full of little blessings in the form of encouragement and money sent from family and friends. I’m feeling more positive about providing for the family. It’ll take time but I can do it.

Playing and working outside

We had nice weather where we did school outside and got some projects done. While I read outloud to the children, Kaitlyn and Makenna enjoyed making things out of pruned grape vines. They made hula hoops and crowns but mostly used them for dragon nests. I thought they should sell them for wreaths. Another day we got sharp rocks out of a trail leading to a pile of wood so that the lawn tractor could get it. We also cleared all the dead wildflowers out of the wildflower garden and hauled dirt. One day Samuel and Anderson set up some square wire pieces for their hurdles and had a track meet. Spencer competed in hurdles in high school it’s sweet to see the little boys trying to be like him.

Valentine’s Day

The Sunday before Valentine’s Day we wore red and took a few pictures. The boys wore red ties but didn’t care about a picture. I missed my 3 older girls who also loved to wear matching for holidays, but I’m glad I still have these sweethearts left at home.

On Tuesday, Valentine’s Day, we made heart shaped mulit-grain pancakes for dinner and ate them with scrambled eggs and juice shake. Then we had a reading party with popcorn.

Miscellaneous pictures

Talea and Thomas spent one afternoon playing ship on a hammock. Talea would row during the day shift while Thomas slept and then Thomas rowed during the night shift while she slept. Samuel asked to go to the church and play in the nursery while Tom and Kait had youth activities. So I took the 4 little kids and all he did was play with a paper camera he made and brought from home. He has mirrors in it and just tweaked and tweaked, oblivious to the rest of us. I love to see his engineering and fascination with his projects. Talea helped me make granola bars to post the recipe on here for Alexis to share with her friends who were asking for it. Then Tilly asked if I would take pictures of her eating one and post that too. She was adorable. Here’s the recipe.

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1 comment

Lori February 21, 2023 - 9:46 am

Kaitlyn should sell her wreaths! Those look professional! She could add some berries or ribbons for color.


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