Monday: Stone Mountain State Park with Mama and Lori

Mama flew into Charlotte on Friday and Lori brought her up to Stone Mountain on Monday so that she could stay with me for a week. We hiked to the waterfalls and enjoyed a nice, warm fall day.
The Stone Mountain waterfall. Then the 5 little kids at a view point of Stone Mountain, which is all we had time for this trip. Mama’s hip was hurting so we had to hike a little slower and we also had to get to town for a dress rehearsal of Frozen Jr.
Mama, Lori and the 5 little kids at the first Stone Mountain view. It’s past prime fall foliage time but still looked spectacular.
Andy and Sam wanted to sit here and play with a burned stick and could have for hours but we had to rush back to the car to get to town on time. Unfortunately in our rush we left 2 pairs of shoes, a library book, and my work notebook by the creek. So the next morning after seminary with Tom and Kait, we went back to retrieve those items. Being there just the 3 of us we were so tempted to hike the whole 5 mile loop that we gave in and did! It was a cloudy, cool day and the park was empty so it was fun to see how fast we could run it while also enjoying the views.
Tuesday: Back to Stone Mountain to Retrieve Left Things
Kaitlyn and Thomas at the 2nd view of Stone Mountain. We had sooo much fun hiking just the 3 of us. We made some great memories. I’m so glad they wanted to hike with me.
See if you can spot Kaitlyn in this picture! I thought she was about to fall over the rock mountain when she called me to look at her.
When I got closer I could see there was more rock behind her. I’m glad she was having so much fun. She’s a beautiful 13 year-old.
This tree had leaned over and picked up its roots, but then they were solid there. Thomas and Kaitlyn tried standing and jumping on it to see if the tree would stand back up straight, but that whole dirt/root clod could support their combined weight. It was cool.
When we got home… Halloween!
We made dinner in a pumpkin and had the sister missionaries over but we didn’t even take a picture. Then we went trick-or-treating in our small country town which consists of driving a mile or two between houses. It’s really fun though and I love our little town. This is the only picture I took of the whole night.
The rest of the week: hanging out with Mama
Actually, we were very busy. School, chores, rehearsals, looking at houses with Mama, a church dinner I was in charge of, and then the production of Frozen Jr. So it was mostly Tilly who hung out with Mama. One day they made tortilla chips and one day they made chocolate pudding with all the milk we have. They were both good to also help with the chores of milking and digging out all the potatoes before our first freeze.
Makenna’s job was to pick all of her watermelons before the freeze. She cut them up and we had a tasty watermelon party on the porch.
While the 5 kids in Frozen were in their first performance, Lori took Samuel to Morganton, WV for a football game between BYU and WVU. Someone gave her free tickets to the tailgating party as well as the game. They had a great time!
Frozen Jr
This weekend was the play, Frozen Jr. Lori and Mama were here to see it so that was fun! I didn’t get any pictures of us, though. But here are the 5 kids who were in it. Thomas was Oaken and the kids were his family. They were also all townspeople in the city of Arandale in lots of scenes. It was a great play as always. Next is Christmas Carol!