We have a two week fall break but I’ve been so busy working on curriculum to sell I haven’t been doing any out-of-the-ordinary fun with the kids or taking many pictures. We stay home during the day and the kids are still reading, playing the piano, doing art, playing outside, and helping with projects so it’s still a very educational break. I just have a little bit more free time to work on my business ventures. Then in the evenings we go to rehearsal and I may do a cleaning job in town.

I got busy with other things and forgot to check my pumpkin dough by the fire! It had risen way over the bowl.
I made a bunch of the dough into two pumpkin shaped loaves to take to a fall craft activity. Everyone loved it!
Talea and Kaitlyn making one of the crafts. I bring my girls with every year and we have a lot of fun.
We’re done with the Calpurnia Tate books but still have a list of activities we wanted to do but haven’t yet. So Wednesday we sat by the gas fire (which we rarely use) and did some finger crocheting and listened to Schubert. It was really fun. (In the book Calpurnia knits by the fire while listening to Schubert.)
Talea showing me the jump rope she finger crocheted. Anderson is making some cardboard creations while getting caught up on an audio book he was supposed to listen to during Unit 1. Next week we start Unit 2 which goes to November 17.
Chicks are 7 weeks old now. They’re super cute and the kids just love them. They’re also very well behaved. They free range all over and don’t get into anything or get lost. They know I’m a sucker for their cute hungry faces. Late every afternoon they’ll come up to the storm door and peck on it and I give in and throw them a banana.
Madalyn sent these pictures to us. She loves giving tours and wants people to sign up for virtual ones now that tourist season is over. Isn’t she a cute tour guide?! She only has 5 weeks left of her 18 month mission. Then she’ll be coming home!
These are the sisters serving in our area. Cooper is going to a new area nearby so we took a goodbye picture. She is great at musical theater and we loved talking about that with her. She was super sweet and we’ll miss her so much but know she’ll do great in her next area.
Friday I had a fall nature camp at our house with 5 kids. It was a bit crazy but we also had fun, especially hiking in our woods and playing in the creek.
This 3 year-old begged all day to milk the cow, which was so cute. Then when we finally did after lunch he was adorable milking with us. He was a natural!