It was great having the girls here for a few more days to celebrate the New Year. They left on Thursday though, so it’s feeling pretty lonely around here. But here are the pictures while they were still here.
Sunday, Makenna realized she had the goal to play the piano for the primary children and since it was the last day of the year, she did! It was also her last day as a primary child as in 2024 she moves up to the young women class (ages 11-18.) She did a great job and was so cute playing. When we got home from church everyone wrote in their journals or read their scriptures. I loved looking around and seeing everyone enjoying their Sunday afternoon.
At 5:00 we started making some party foods: a Chex mix, homemade taquitos, freezer junk food, fruits, veggies, cheese ball, etc. Lori was here so we had her to celebrate with too and it was a lot of fun.
Ringing in the new year a few hours early before Tilly and Isla went to bed.
Playing Bananagrams while waiting for midnight. Happy New Year! I’m excited to make 2024 amazing.
Makenna’s First Temple Trip
In our church the January after a child is 11 years old they can receive a recommend that allows her to go to the temple. The bishop interviews her to make sure she understands how sacred the temple is and that she is worthy to enter (not swearing, wearing modest clothing, being kind to others, not smoking/drinking, etc). When she receives her recommend she can go and be baptized for ancestors who have passed away without getting baptized. Makenna was really excited to be able to go to the temple and we were excited to take her before the big girls went back to college. The temple is 2.5 hours away but we enjoyed a great family drive together, a special bonding feeling in the temple, lunch afterwards at a grocery store, and a great family drive home.
Right before we went in to do baptisms.
After we did baptisms. The little 2 didn’t go in because they’re not 11, but they still wanted to come. (Samuel was at Lori’s and Alexis stayed home sick.) There is a special feeling on temple grounds. If you haven’t been to one, go! Let me know what you think. It’s a place you’ll feel God’s love and get answers for your life.
Good-bye Kylie, Madalyn, and Alexis!
Thursday we spent the morning packing and then left at 10 to go to the airport. We packed the van full of suitcases. It was fun having Maddie come from Illinois, Kylie come from England, and Alexis come from Utah. Now they’re all going together back to BYU in Utah. They’re going to have a blast together!
Misc Pictures
Here are a few pictures from earlier in the week that didn’t have a place to go.
- Samuel lifting weights in Lori’s weight room.
- Alexis playing the piano with a chicken and a baby.
- I love the sawhorse Lori made me. I can cut wood right into the woodpile to be stacked.
- Kaitlyn and Makenna drawing dragon pictures.
Have a great week!