There is a myth out there that you can’t nurse while you’re pregnant. Either that your milk will dry up while you’re pregnant or that you shouldn’t continue nursing while you’re pregnant because it’s bad for you, your unborn baby, or the nursling. You’re welcome to check the research (I like this La Leche League article) but this post is just about my experience.
If you’re asking this question it is most likely that you’re wanting to continue to nurse while pregnant. In that case you are probably feeling healthy enough and are hoping to get a “yes” answer. You just want to make sure because you don’t want to do anything to jeopardize your health or your unborn baby’s. If you’re asking me, I’d definitely say yes. I did it with most of my pregnancies and wish I had with more of them but I didn’t have a supportive husband. I always tell mothers to go with your gut. Only you can receive inspiration and answers for your body and your baby’s. If you’re really scared or unsure, ask your doctor.
My first time nursing while pregnant
When my first baby was 7 months old I found out I was pregnant with baby #2. It was 2001 and recommended to breastfeed until age 1 so that is what I did. I weaned her right at 12 months. But throughout the pregnancy people told me I would miscarry, have a deformed baby, deliver prematurely, dry up, or cause my nursing baby to not develop properly among other things. I went with my gut though, as I suggest all mothers do, and nursed for the first 5 months of my pregnancy. My one year-old was declared perfectly healthy at her 12 month check up and my new baby was declared perfectly healthy born a week after her due date and weighing over 8 lbs. After that first time nursing while pregnant I didn’t worry with subsequent pregnancies.
Subsequent pregnancies
I didn’t nurse through all of the pregnancies. My husband was a stickler for rules and thought I should nurse for 12 months like he learned in med school and no more. So the first few I just nursed for 12-14 months. I was usually pregnant again right around that time and it worked to wean him/her within a month or two of finding out as, I won’t lie, it can be difficult to nurse while having morning sickness and breast tenderness. I was nursing because it was free, easy, better for the baby, and burned calories. Not because I cherished it like I did with my later babies.
When my 6th baby was stillborn I had so much milk. All of a sudden I realized I’d taken nursing for granted. I wanted to start nursing my weaned 18 month old again and wish I had because it would have helped me heal emotionally to be having a baby to nurse. But my husband wouldn’t let me. So I pumped for awhile instead. After that I was afraid of losing a baby and not having a baby to nurse. In other words, if I lost the pregnancy I’d find comfort in still having a nursing baby. So #6, 7 and 8 I weaned closer to my due date. I definitely appreciated breastfeeding more than I did with my first 5.
Tandem nursing
When I got pregnant with #10 I wanted to see what tandem nursing was like to say I’ve tried it. So I nursed #9 throughout the pregnancy and for a few months afterward. My husband didn’t like it but I did it anyway, mostly in secret. I actually really enjoyed still nursing Anderson. Knowing these were my last babies, I tried to savor it. I didn’t nurse him at the same time as the baby but just when he needed a cuddle or putting him to bed. Anderson was a difficult baby and toddler and I think still nursing was good for him. Another benefit was not to have engorgement. I’ve always been super engorged and have enough milk for two babies and this time I did have two to nurse so it was great. I wish I’d done it with others but I hadn’t known and my husband would have never let me.
Summary of my experience nursing while pregnant
In summary, my first 5 babies I weaned at 12-14 months while pregnant. That’s what my husband said I should do. And I didn’t know anyone to nurse through a pregnancy or tandem nurse. I kinda wish I’d nursed longer but in the end, it worked fine. All of my babies have been breastfed until age 1. I never left my babies with a sitter or gave them a bottle. My husband didn’t give me a lot of love or attention or help. I was very young having baby after baby so it was probably good I didn’t tandem nurse.
After having a stillborn baby and not being pregnant or nursing I felt lost. My whole marriage so far I’d been pregnant or nursing. It was my identity. I pumped until I was pregnant again and the rest of my babies I nursed through the pregnancy. I no longer took nursing for granted, but really savored it. My last two babies I tandem nursed. I never dried up, never had pre-term labor, never have had any problems breastfeeding whatsoever. My last baby breastfed until she was 3 and I was sad to stop. Even after nursing 10 babies I miss it.
In the end it’s your own decision how often to nurse and how long. Do what you feel is right for you and your baby. You got this, Mama! If you need any help, let me know.