Marcie’s Granola Bars

by Marcie
organic healthy chocolate chip granola bar sitting on a white plate

Finally! The recipe for Marcie’s famous granola bars. I keep these on hand at all times. Meaning I make a 9×13 pan and when they’re gone I make another one. Most of the time I make another pan when there are just 1-2 left to make sure I don’t run out. It’s always been my special recipe, one that no one else has made before, and I haven’t wanted to share it. But many people have asked for it and I guess I do want others to feel as healthy as I do.

Speaking of healthy, these granola bars are packed with vitamins and nutrients. Made with lots of oats; whole wheat flour; flax, hemp, and chia seeds; they are full of fiber. Then add in the coconut oil and raw honey and they are anti-viral and anti-bacterial too. The eggs, milk and nut butters contribute a hefty dose of protein. Paired with a juice shake full of fruits and veggies and I have a complete meal for a snack or dessert. Try them and let me know what you think.

Yield: 24

Marcie's Granola Bars

close up of homemade chocolate chip granola bar on a white plate
Prep Time 12 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 42 minutes


  • 3 cups organic oats
  • 3 cups organic granola
  • 1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1/4 cup flax, hemp and chia seed mixture
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup organic coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup organic peanut or almond butter
  • 1/3 cup local honey
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 12 oz bag of dark chocolate chips


  1. Combine the oats, granola, flour, seed mixture, and salt in a large bowl.
  2. In a 2 cup glass measuring cup melt coconut oil, nut butter and honey.
  3. Add to dry ingredients in the large bowl.
  4. In the glass measuring cup whisk the 3 eggs with a fork. Add milk to make 1 1/3 cup total.
  5. Add egg and milk mixture to large bowl and stir until combined.
  6. Stir in chocolate chips.
  7. Spread in a greased 9 x 13 pan.
  8. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-32 minutes until brown.

Tips on how to make Marcie’s Granola Bars

Here are some tips to go along with each of the ingredients in the recipe.

  1. I use 2 cups organic sprouted oats and 1 cup organic quick oats. I’m used to my granola bars really chewy but you can use any combination you like or all quick oats so they aren’t so chewy.
  2. You may also use sprouted flours for added health benefits. Or gluten-free flours.
  3. Use any granola you like! Lately I’ve been using Cascadian Farm Oats and Honey granola but I’ve also used coconut chia granolas, ancient grain granola, peanut butter granola, and others. Use cinnamon raisin or frut and nut and omit chocolate chips if you want a fruitier granola bar.
  4. I buy organic flax seed, hemp seed, and chia seed in 16-24 oz packages and combine them into a container I can easily grab off my shelf and sprinkle in.
  5. This recipe needs 1 cup of fat so feel free to use any combination of coconut oil, peanut butter, almond butter, sunflower butter, etc. I use a fork to poke at and scoop out the oil. Then I use the same fork to whisk the eggs and stir the whole thing together.
  6. Similarly, and sugar or maple syrup may be substitutde for honey. But I always use organic raw honey or honey from my neighbor (whose bees pollinate my flowers. :))
  7. Free range or organic eggs are best. I whisk the eggs with the same fork I used to scoop coconut oil in the same glass measuring cup without washing it. I’m a lazy cook!
  8. Raw or pasteurized milk is fine. You can add more if it’s too dry.
  9. Use any chocolate chips you prefer. Or omit all together.

Pictures of making the granola bars

I tell you, I’m not a food blogger and I have an ugly kitchen. Maybe after I remodel someday I’ll take better pictures and be more into sharing my recipes. But here are a few pictures if you need a visual.

Pictures of the finished granola bars

Pictures of my granola bar helper

We were heading outside to read a chapter book on the grass when Talea asked if she could bring a granola bar. I said, “Sure!” Then she sat on the swing and asked if I’d like to take pictures of her eating them. How could I resist? She’s a little doll. She helps me make every batch and I hope she never stops wanting to make granola bars with me.

My healthy, organic granola bars are seriously my favorite food. I can’t live without them. Like I said, I always have a pan made and eat one every day after lunch and dinner. The dark chocolate chips give it just enough sweetness and satisfy my chocolate craving. They’re too healthy to be called a treat, yet they are almost the only treat I eat. Start eating real foods, start making these and they’ll soon be the only treat you need to eat too. They are perfectly satisfying.

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Sierra December 2, 2024 - 10:16 pm

This recipe is GOLD! I’ve been hunting for a homemade granola bar with a slightly chewy and crunchy texture that is healthy and not overly sweet. My husband takes granola bars everyday to work but they tasted chemically and had weird preservatives in them. We are trying hard to get processed foods out of our diets for overall health. Other recipes we tried fall apart, are too sweet, or are really time intensive and not that good. Hubby LOVES these. They are also SO easy to whip up and are hardy. They keep him filled up for long work hours- and my kids love these.We made them a few times now with different varieties of nut butters. I blended cashews to make cashew butter (avoiding a mild peanut allergy for one family member) and since it’s a dry butter, I’ve added a little more oil or some applesauce. Thank you for sharing your personal recipe! It’s been a great benefit to my family. Love all the recipes I’ve tried so far. Especially love the ease and simplicity of them while they are simultaneously healthy and delicious,

Marcie December 4, 2024 - 6:43 pm

Yay! I’m so glad you loved them! I invented the recipe so long ago and am so used to them that I’m not sure how other people would view them. So I’m thrilled that your hubby loves these so much. Yes! I love using almond or cashew butter. So glad you tried that!. I’m glad you said they’re easy to whip together because there are a lot of ingredients so I didn’t know if that would discourage some people. I make them once a week and cut them up and leave them in a 9×13 pan with a lid on on the counter. Anyone who wants one after a meal will grab one out of the pan for a dessert. I love that they have become our dessert. (We used to make a lot of treats.) We mostly just make desserts for holidays, company, birthdays, or special occasions. The rest of the time we have these or nothing. They last a week at our house and then I make another pan. Thanks for taking the time to write me about your family’s experience. This makes me so happy! And thank you for thanking me for sharing. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to because they’re special and I don’t want someone to steal the recipe. But then I thought I should share the things I love. If I have to have them on hand at all times then there are probably others out there who will feel the same way and will be glad I shared the recipe.

Maresa December 17, 2024 - 1:11 pm

Hi Marcie – I am from Ireland and am a mum of 3 boys and love watching your YT channel you have really inspired me and I have learnt so much from you! I baked these today for my kids coming home from school and this recipe will definitely be a regular in our house now as we all loved them! Loved giving them a delicious healthy treat and it really kept their tummies full!Thank you for sharing ❤

Marcie December 17, 2024 - 1:58 pm

I’m so happy to hear this, Maresa! I’ve never shared this recipe because of so many ingredients and variations you could do. And it seemed kinda complicated. But they really are a staple at our house. We always have some just like we always have milk. So glad y’all loved them! Thank you for taking the time to tell me. And thanks for watching my channel! I rarely hear from young moms, just the grandmas. So I wasn’t sure if I was helping anyone. I’m so happy to hear you’re learning from me. So cool you live in Ireland!!


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