Working in the Garden with the 3 Little Kids
One of my best times this week was working in the garden with the 3 little kids. The volunteer cilantro and dill plants have taken over, have gotten too tall, and are hanging in all the walkways. I like some in the garden to deter deer and other animals who will avoid my tomatoes if there are dill and cilantro nearby, but this was getting too much. So the 4 of us pulled out a whole bunch. I loved seeing the kids work so cheerfully. Anderson puts his weeds into a fertilizer spreader we found here and hauls them to the compost that way. Samuel sings while he works. Talea chatters nonstop and is just adorable.
- Playing their guitars
- Tomatoes growing from the compost pile
- Tiny kiwi growing!
After cutting down a bunch of asparagus I gave the ferns to the chickens and they went crazy for the little seeds on them.
Fun Little Chicks
We love watching these cute little chicks run around the yard together. I’ve been spending every spare moment working on lesson plans to sell but I wish I could get paid to sit outside and watch them because it’s so fun. It was especially entertaining watching them jump up and down from this dead tree I cut down recently. They’d walk along it and chirp at each other, then fly down. Reminds me of 18 month olds climbing and jumping and so proud of themselves.
Thomas Goes Camping
On Monday while Thomas was packing for YM camp I pulled up the weather on my phone. Doesn’t look so good for a week of camping! Poor kid! He has a great attitude though and still had a fun time. But boy were his clothes muddy after mountain biking! He also got to white water raft, rock climb, play ultimate frisbee and football and do a few other activities.
I missed the moment the 3 girls jumped out of the car, ran across the parking lot, and hugged Thomas. It was so sweet. No other brother got royal treatment like that. I didn’t even see anyone else get out of their car to greet their brother. I think it’s sweet how much my children miss their siblings when they’re gone.